BADC Admit Card ,Exam Result & job Circular 2024

BADC Admit Card ,Exam Result & job Circular 2024 From BD Job Careers.  Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation or BADC, is an autonomous government body that manages the commercial exploitation of forests in Bangladesh, produce timber and wood products and manage plantations and is located in Motijheel  Thana, Dhaka, Bangladesh. There are lots of people attend this exam.  Good news is, recently Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation or BADC exam date and Syllabus has published in government official website If you are BADC candidate it is one of the best posts for you.  For make sure You can visit our website regularly which help you will get BADC related all of information such as BADC Syllabus, seat plan, Marks Distribution, Preliminary, written and viva exam and more. So let’s check the BADC Admit Card ,Exam Result & job Circular 2024 and keep connect with for more useful educational information.

■Must See : BADC New Jobs

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