Fluently speaking in English is our dream. More or less in our life we all try at least once. But because of staying out of practice and impatience, shy and hesitation we cannot fulfill our dream cherished from boyhood. However, if we follow some steps properly, we yet can be skilled to speak in English. It needs perfect planning, clarity of thought and division of your speech. You have to be aware of your topic, nicely blending of humors, decoration with rhetoric and prosody.
Ok, Let’s Follow Only 5 Steps to be an Engaging Speaker.
Vocabulary and Grammar
To be a well speaker, you have to know enough word meaning. Now you may think how can I memorize so many words? The answer is that, at first make a list the things around you in your own language. Then look up English dictionary and list it. Try to see alternative word that means synonym and antonyms. Know the meaning of Prepositions and linking words. Try to memorize 10 words at least, don’t tense of forgetting. Next, try to know grammar like different sentences, its patterns. Try to use correct use of grammar and accent. Don’t make it headache, slowly you must be able to capture all these.
Take a Partner
While you are speaking, take a partner, another speaker or listener. Give him scope to speak and to listen your speech. Speak taking a topic, make a debate with the partner, ask him question and answer to his question. Now, you may think who will be my partner? Because everybody feels shy, laugh while speaking in English. No matter, you can be your own partner. Think and speak in mind with yourself as you would speak with the partner.
Be Confident and Show Bravery
Confidence and bravery is important to be a speaker of any foreign language. Shake off shy, grow positive attitude. Utilize every opportunity like gossip in public place with the friends, general mass, foreigner and speak with the teacher or boss in English. Are you thinking about mistakes? Don’t think twice. Mind it, every mistake is an opportunity. Your friends may laugh but believe, one day they must appreciate you and regret for that time you were practicing.
Think in English
Thinking in English is a fantastic way of practicing the language in your head, not necessarily aloud. You can think while doing your daily works at home and speak with yourself describing your daily routine. You can write at least one page diary daily to capture vocabulary.
Listen as Much as Possible
Try to listen conversation in English as much as you can. You can listen English song, recorded conversation your own or others, hear IELTS speaking from YouTube, debate competition in English, News from CNN or BBC etc. Mind it a child, at first listen any language, then speak, then read and finally write. You can follow the cycle. You can read subtitle from English movie.